Inspirational and educational lectures and talks
Trade talks and presentations examples:
Norway as an export market - the market charachteristics and how to do business Presentation on a roadshow with Moth&Partners International in Denmark The positioning of retail chains and suppliers in the value chain. Speech for the Norwegian Hardware Supplier Association Critical factors for chain head office and chain members for the success of the chain. Kick-off presentation for a new retail chain Brand and product name. Speech for retail chain Scandinavian chain structure in a metamorphosis, how do we as suppliers adapt? Speech for a major Nordic building materials industry company Group image and marketing strategy. Lecture and workshop for The Norwegian Nurses Organisation Market view for the DIY and building materials retail trade. Oslo and Akershus Builders' Merchant's Association How to increase profitability in trading with retail chains? Presentation to home electronics supplier |
Other lectures and training programmes:
Retail Strategies. From the course "Retail and service retail chain management", BI Norwegian Business School Service marketing vs. product marketing. From the course "Retail and service retail chain management", BI Norwegian Business School Opportunities in receding markets. Seminar hosted by an IT company Presentation techniques - a colourful course. Home electronics supplier How to sell a branded product A supplier's training programme for sales personnel in their customers' stores. Speeches given at open conferences:
Success criteria for efficient profiling of a chain. Conference «Winning chain strategies for retail chains» How suppliers and chains obtain maximum effect of their joint-marketing efforts. Conference «Trade Marketing Trends» Tor Ivar Riise can be assigned for tailor-made speeches to suit any length of time required.
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